- Elternteil
- FAQs für Eltern
FAQs für Eltern
The parent FAQ should contain answers to questions you may have about our school and your child's attendance with us.
Wo kann ich mich über die Aufnahme an der Hochschule informieren?
Auf unserer Website gibt es einen ganzen Abschnitt, in dem das Zulassungsverfahren erläutert wird.
What will happen on my child's first day?
All new students are asked to arrive in uniform and report to the main reception at JCG. KS3 Students will be required to arrive at 08:00 and KS 4/5 students will be required to arrive at 08:15 on their first day. The students will be met and greeted on their first morning, along with other new students who will also be joining at the same time. On their first day the students will also be provided with their timetables, house group information etc. and shown where they will need to go when they have arrived.
What support is available for new students finding their way around our campus?
Students tend to worry about being late for lessons when they first come to the College. The reality is that teachers are understanding and students help each other. Students quickly get to know their way around the campus as the layout and room numbering is easy to understand once you are here.
What are the school day times?
Die Schüler der Klassen 7 bis 11 können ab 7.30 Uhr am College ankommen. Wir bitten jedoch darum, dass sie bis 8.15 Uhr im Dome oder in unserer Bibliothek bleiben, da sie dann Zugang zu ihren Schließfächern in allen anderen Gebäuden haben. Nach der Schule kann Ihr Kind an einer Vielzahl von außerschulischen Aktivitäten teilnehmen. Darüber hinaus können sie gerne im College bleiben und bis 17 Uhr in der Bibliothek arbeiten.
Die Schüler der Oberstufe können das Oberstufenzentrum von 7.30 Uhr bis 17.00 Uhr uneingeschränkt nutzen.
8:25 – 8:35 | Anmeldung |
8:35 – 9:35 | Zeitraum 1 |
9:40 – 10:40 | Zeitraum 2 |
10:40 – 11:00 | Pause |
11:00 – 12:00 | Zeitraum 3 |
12:05 – 13:05 | Zeitraum 4 |
13:05 – 14:00 | Mittagessen |
14:00 – 14:20 | Lehrkraft/Versammlungszeit |
14:25 – 15:25 | Zeitraum 5 |
Wie kommen die Schüler zur und von der Schule?
There is a regular College bus service provided by Liberty Bus for students from JCG and Victoria College (on some routes, they are also joined by students from other schools). Information and timetables are available from the Liberty Bus Website
Die Schulbusse sind so geplant, dass sie deutlich vor 8.25 Uhr am College ankommen, damit die Anmeldung und der Unterricht am Morgen rechtzeitig beginnen können.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Website von Liberty Bus.
Parken - Absetzen und Abholen von Schülern
- Die Schüler werden auf dem oberen Parkplatz im Untergeschoss abgesetzt, der zwischen 8.00 Uhr und 8.30 Uhr von den Mitarbeitern der Schule verwaltet wird.
- Die Abholung wird von 14.45 Uhr (Prep School) bis 15.45 Uhr, wenn die Busse abfahren, von den Mitarbeitern der Schule organisiert.
- Eltern sollten ihre Kinder nicht auf der Hauptstraße oder auf dem Besucherparkplatz vor dem College House oder dem Langford Sports Centre abholen oder absetzen, da dies unsicher ist und zu zahlreichen Gesundheits- und Sicherheitsproblemen führt.
Where can I find when the school holidays are?
All term dates are available on the government website
What were last year's exam results?
All of last year's results can be found here.
Wo finde ich Informationen zum Schulgeld?
Für alle Informationen zu den Schulgebühren klicken Sie bitte hier.
Wann werden uns die Gebühren in Rechnung gestellt?
Fees will be collected via Direct Debit on the 1st day of each month.
Die JCG-Gebühren werden jeweils für ein Schuljahr im Voraus per Lastschrift eingezogen, und zwar jeweils zum 1. Juni, 1. Oktober und 1. Februar für das Herbst-, Frühjahrs- und Sommersemester.
Wann werden die Schulgebühren erhöht?
Die Gebühren werden jährlich im Frühjahrssemester überprüft. Die Gebühren werden jedes Jahr im September nach Rücksprache mit dem Obersten Rat und der Regierung von Jersey nach Bedarf erhöht. Der Oberste Rat ist bestrebt, die Eltern am Ende des Frühjahrssemesters über die neue Gebühr zu informieren.
Muss ich bei einem Wechsel von JCP zu JCG eine Anzahlung leisten?
A deposit of £400 is required to secure your child's place at the Senior School. This can be paid by BACS.
When transferring from JCP to JCG, how will I be invoiced and when?
You will be sent an invoice in the post from the States Treasury in the Spring Term prior to starting JCG in the September. The amount invoiced will be the remaining balance of the term’s fees minus the deposit that you have already paid as this is deducted for the first term’s invoice.
Who do I contact if I have an invoicing query?
Please contact Government of Jersey Treasury & Exchequer
For invoicing queries:
E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone: 01534 440235
To make a payment if there is a problem with the direct debit:
(Please note all school fees should normally be paid by direct debit.)
E-mail: [email protected]
Alternatively, make a card payment via gov.je
To contact debt collection:
E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone: 440088
Treasury & Exchequer – Income Collection
Po Box 353
19-21 Broad Street
St. Helier
Is financial assistance for fees available at JCG?
Yes, this is offered. Find out more here.
What are the average class sizes at JCG?
In the GCSE years (10 and 11) the average class size is 18 pupils. In the Sixth Form the average class size is 12
Where can I find contact details for my child's teacher?
All staff can be contacted via email. A list of all staff is available here.
Which subjects are taught at JCG?
You can view all of the subjects we offer here.
Does the school follow the GCSE or IGCSE curriculum?
Each department chooses the qualification it considers will suit our students and our educational philosophy. In some subjects, we consider that the IGCSE offers a more rigorous and enjoyable academic experience which will prepare students more effectively for their A level courses but there are other subjects where we believe the GCSE offers just as much rigour.
How much homework do students receive and how can I check what has been set?
The amount of homework set depends on a students’ year group and varies depending on subject. All homework is set though ShowMyHomework. Students and parents receive logon details for this.
How does my child track and receive feedback on their work?
Students are given regular feedback on their work and they should be aware of their grades. For more information, click here: https://jerseycollegeforgirls.com/pages/academic/assessment-information
What is academic mentoring?
Academic mentoring is an integral part of the tutorial system and academic mentoring sessions are an opportunity for a conversation between a mentor and student related to learning. Academic mentoring enhances the ethos of tracking student progress to ensure that each student knows where they are with their learning, where they have made progress, what they need to do to improve and what targets they need to set in order to further their progress.
How do tutor groups work?
When they start at JCG, each student will be placed in a House tutor group. If there is a family link with a house, this information is considered during the application process. Tutor groups meet twice daily and are crucial to the pastoral care of students and they remain the same throughout a student’s time in the College. Students do not attend subject lessons in their tutor groups.
How do teaching groups work?
Each student is placed into a teaching group. In Year 7-9, students will access the majority of their lessons in these groups. The groups will change at the beginning of Year 8 and Year 9. After Year 9, teaching groups vary and are often determined by the options students select for their exam subjects.
Is there career guidance and support for students wishing to move to higher educations, employment or further education?
JCG is fully committed to ensuring our students are prepared for the opportunities and challenge that they will encounter after leaving College. There is an annual JCG Careers Fair, students access lunchtime talks, there is full support for applications for the students’ next step.
What do we do I do if my child needs to miss school?
If your child is unwell, you should email [email protected] or phone 01534 516200 as soon as possible in the morning. Any requests for absence to attend a medical appointment should be emailed to [email protected]. Emails requesting absence for other reasons should be addressed to the Head of School or the Head of Year and also sent to [email protected].
How do Parents Evenings work?
We have some Parent Information Evenings. This is when parents are invited in to hear general presentations and talk about information pertinent to them and their daughters. We also have Parent Evenings for year groups when appointments are made via the Parent Evening Booking System for short consultations with subject teachers. It is important to note that parents are encouraged to contact teachers if they have any concerns or queries and not wait for a Parent Evening. Invitation letters are always emailed to parents for these events.
What extra-curricular activities does JCG offer?
At JCG we have students with a variety of talents and interests and we aim to give them a large range of activities to choose from. These do change on a termly basis so please refer here.
What off island trips does the College offer?
To see information about our off-island trips, please click here:
How do students become involved in drama productions, orchestras, choirs, sports teams or other extra-curricular activities?
This varies depending on year group. Students need to keep an eye on notices and the extra-curricular publications to see what is going on. Drama productions and some music groups usually require an audition and some sports teams are selected through trials. More information can be accessed about extra-curricular activities here.
Can students do the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award at JCG?
JCG is an approved centre for the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award and students are encouraged to complete Bronze, Silver and Gold awards from Year 9 to Year 13.
What facilities are available for music at JCG?
We have a Band Room as well as practice rooms within our Music Department. We also have a designated area for students to store their instrument. Students are able to access lessons with the Jersey Instrumental Service or through Polyphony.
What facilities are available for sports at JCG?
JCG shares Langford Sports Centre with Victoria College. The centre has a gymnasium, sports hall, dance studio, climbing wall, swimming pool and gym equipment. We also have an astroturf used for hockey and tennis, two external netball courts and a playing field.
What facilities are available for creative subjects like Art, Design & Technology, Textiles and Food & Nutrition?
Our Creativity Faculty is housed in purpose-built facilities. The well-equipped Design Centre was designed to provide a harmonious and integrated working relationship between creative subjects.
Does JCG have a library?
The JCG library is situated at the heart of the College and is a bright and welcoming area for students and staff to visit.
What help is at hand to support progress and wellbeing?
Students can talk to any adult member of staff if they are worried about something and their tutor is the first point of contact for them and you. More information on progress and wellbeing.
Is there a buddying system for students?
Year 7 students are always given a Year 12 buddy. The College runs activities to allow the buddy to get to know each other, for example, a lunch, baking and badminton. Year 7 and Year 12 students always value the partnership and their friendship often continues beyond the College.
Can my child purchase lunch at school or do I need to provide one?
At the College we have a canteen facility called the Dome which is located in the centre of Chesshire. All of our students have the opportunity to purchase food from the Dome in the morning before school starts, during break times and at lunch. We also have Hector's Cafe where cold food and drinks are available.
What uniform does my child need to have and where can I purchase it?
All information on the College uniform and where it can be purchased can be found here.
What other equipment is required?
As part of the standard JCG requirement for all new starters, JCG arrange the provision of ‘Starter’ bundle, which includes House T-Shirt (large youth), Maths calculator and Maths geometry set.
- 1 x Calculator
- 1 x Geometry set
The Maths Department has a stock of calculators and geometry sets that are ideal for use by students, especially because there is software available which allows the teacher to demonstrate the use of specific functions on the calculator to the class. Calculators and geometry sets can be purchased from the Maths Department in September. Cash or cheque will be accepted.
Food and Nutrition:
- 1 x Cooking Basket
Aprons will be provided by the school
- 1 x Scientific Calculator
- 1 x pack of colouring pencils
- 1 x Pencil Case
- 2 x HB Pencil
- 1 x Eraser 1 x 30cm Ruler
- 1 x Sharpener
- 2 x Black Pens
- 2 x Blue Pens
- 1 x Glue stick
- 1 x Notepad
Additional items are allowed.
- 1 x School Bag
Please note all items need to be clearly labelled.
What books will my child need?
We ask all students to purchase their own textbooks and an up to date list of required books for year 7 and where to purchase them can be found here.
Most of our courses use an online textbook resource which the College provides free of charge, giving students the option to buy a physical book if they wish.
Does JCG have a house system?
Yes we do and house activities are very important in the College. More information about the school houses is available here.
Are students given the opportunity to contribute their opinions on the running of the College?
Yes. One of the main vehicles for doing this is JCG Voice which allows many ways for students to express opinions. As part of this each form has a representative on Student Council.
Where can a current student find out all the information they need about the College?
A current student has access to the student portal. This area includes information, for example, about term dates, JCG Voice, JCG Serves, use of technology, surveys, food available in the Dome, relevant policies and how to report bullying.
What is the JCG Foundation?
The JCG Foundation was launched in February 2011 as a Charitable Trust to support current and past students and education in Jersey. The Foundation raises awareness of our College within the local, national and international community. The Foundation is run as a separate entity to the College itself and provides an overarching organisation for all aspects of the alumni both now and in the future. The Foundation currently supports six bursaries and one international university bursary. The JCG Foundation incorporates the JCGA Old Girls' Association - The Jersey College Alumnae. The JCG Foundation supports not just initiatives for JCG but other local schools including: The Equiom Debate, Rathbone’s Revision Academy, KPMG Cyber Champ Programme.
The Foundation's five key areas of focus:
- Alumnae - To strengthen long-term connections with the JCG Alumnae, creating a sustainable network of support and advocacy for the JCG community and increasing the sense of belonging.
- Student Support - To substantially increase funding available for scholarships and needs-based financial support for students, to enable any student offered a place to be able to accept irrespective of their financial background.
- Capital Projects - To invest in state-of-the-art facilities that inspire and enable our students, staff and other local students the opportunity to flourish and excel.
- Learning and Curriculum Development - To ensure JCG remains at the forefront of educational innovation and learning by extending students' range of skills to meet the challenges and opportunities of living and working in today's dynamic world.
- Island-wide Learning - The JCG Foundation is committed to provide innovative educational projects and events that benefit all Jersey students.
Who are the members of JCG's Board of Governors?
For information on the JCG board of Governors please click here.
Does the College have social media that I can follow?
Yes. This is a good way for parents to keep up to date with what is going on in the College. You can see our page on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/JerseyCollegeForGirls/, follow us on Twitter @jcg_live or on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/jcgjersey/
As Facebook, Instagram and Twitter have an age restriction 13+, younger students can refer to the Tutor weekly notices for latest events and activities.
How do I find out about events taking place in the College?
The College usually has a busy schedule of events. Please refer to our calendar.
When did JCG open?
JCG opened on 20th September 1880. Find out more about the College’s history.
Wie wird das Kollegium mit Mobbing/sozialen Problemen umgehen?
Unser Politik gegen Mobbing ist vorhanden für den Umgang mit Mobbing Probleme und die Verfahren gelten auch für Online-Verhalten und die unangemessene Nutzung von sozialen Medien. Außerdem sind alle Schüler verpflichtet sich an die Annehmbare Nutzung Vereinbarung bei der Nutzung von Technologie unter Hochschule.
Is there a list of the College’s policies?
Please find all policies and procedures here.
What do I do if I have a complaint?
The College has a complaints policy. We receive very few complaints. Problems sometimes arise from misunderstandings that can be easily addressed. Most concerns and complaints can be sorted out quickly by speaking with a student’s teacher.
How do I find out about what the College provides for international students?
JCG provides full time, immersion and leadership programmes for international students. The best way to find out about what is on offer for international students is to look at the appropriate section of our website.
Where is Jersey?
Jersey is situated close to both the UK and continental Europe with regular daily flights to multiple destinations. Recognised as one of the safest places in the world to live Jersey offers clean air, stunning beaches and the perfect environment to thrive. As a major financial Hub, Jersey is home to some of the top International banks and financial institutions, based only a 40-minute flight from Central London.
What is the percentage of international Students studying at JCG?
JCG aims to provide an education firmly based in English language and English Examination qualifications. The percentage of international students from abroad studying at JCG is capped at a maximum of 6% of the school population. We firmly believe in the value of our international programmes and wish to provide all students with an immersive English language experience which will be enhanced further by the global reach of our students and international connections.
Do I need to apply for a tier 4 visa to study at Jersey College for Girls?
Although part of the United Kingdom, Jersey is a self-governing state with its own Customs and Immigration. The process of applying for a visa to study at Jersey College for Girls is relatively straightforward and will be arranged through the Director of Internationalism. You will apply through the UK system, but the documentation and requirement are different to a standard UK Tier 4 Visa.
Do I apply for my visa through the UK application Process?
Yes, however…
In order to enter Jersey for the purpose of study students may require a student entry clearance. An entry clearance is a visa or entry certificate issued for the purpose of travel to the United Kingdom and Islands. Applications for entry clearances must be made in the country where the student is currently living, to the British Embassy, High Commission or other British Diplomatic Mission (collectively known as British Diplomatic Posts) designated to issue entry clearance.
In order to initiate the Visa application, please go to the below link:
- Scroll to Start now and select:
Visit, study, work or settle in certain British Crown dependencies, Commonwealth countries or British overseas territories - Scroll to Next and select
- And continue accordingly.
It is critical that you select the category of British Crown Dependencies to ensure that your UK visa application is considered by the Jersey Immigration Office.
Do students live in a boarding house?
No. Our international students will be accommodated through homestay families. Homestays offer international students the feeling and support of home while they study overseas. Advantages of the homestay model include quicker integration into UK life and an enhanced rate of improvement in spoken English which improves an understanding of British language and culture. Every effort is taken to ensure that our international students are housed in a caring and supportive home where they can fully appreciate the benefits of island life, and maximise their learning experience.
Wie läuft das Bewerbungsverfahren für die 14+ und 16+ Ausbildung bei JCG über International Admissions ab?
Schülerinnen, die sich am Jersey College for Girls bewerben möchten, müssen ein Bewerbungsformular sowie eine Kopie ihres Reisepasses, eine Kopie von zwei aktuellen Schulzeugnissen, ein Beispiel für ein aktuelles ausführliches Schriftstück in englischer Sprache und etwaige Bescheinigungen über bereits bestandene Prüfungen in englischer Sprache, z. B. IELTs usw., einreichen (ein Mindeststandard von IELTS Stufe 6 ist erforderlich, um in Key Stage 4 oder 5 am JCG zu lernen). Sie sollten auch den ESOL-Abschnitt des Bewerbungsformulars ausfüllen.
Does my daughter need a smartphone?
No, your daughter does not need a smartphone during the school day.
We actively encourage parents of Year 7 and 8 not to purchase a smartphone for their child.
Parents of students in Year 7 are asked to request permission if they wish their child to bring a smartphone to College.
Parents seeking permission will be required to confirm that no age-inappropriate Apps are installed and that appropriate device-based web filtering is enabled by parental controls or a third-party service.
Where permission to bring a smartphone to College has not been granted, parents are asked to ensure that such devices are kept at home.
To seek permission please click here
For more information please read our Mobile Phones Policy
What is Jamf?
Jamf is a purpose-built Apple mobile device management platform for schools, which provides the best learning experience for students.
Jamf keeps students focused, engaged and on track.
It empowers teachers and parents to ensure that students, within the classroom and beyond, use technology for learning, safely and without distraction.
All new student Apple devices will be enrolled on the Jamf platform. Parents can request students in other year groups to have their device enrolled on Jamf. Please email [email protected]
To learn more about how to use Jamf parent app please click here.
Ist es erforderlich, dass mein Kind ein Gerät hat?
Ja, das ist eine Voraussetzung. Heit ein Gerät wird den Zugang Ihres Kindes zu Lernressourcen und ermöglicht es ihm, die digitalen Fähigkeiten zu entwickeln zu entwickeln, die ihr gegenwärtiges und zukünftiges Lernen unterstützen.
Warum braucht mein Kind ein eigenes Gerät?
Lernen geht über das Klassenzimmer hinaus: Die Nutzung ihres Geräts beginnt in der Schule, aber die Wirkung geht über die Klassenzimmerwände hinaus. Nach der Schule können die Schüler auf dieselbe Lernsoftware und Apps zugreifen, weil sie die elektronischen Geräte besitzen, die im Klassenzimmer verwendet werden. Schließlich muss das Lernen nicht aufhören, nur weil der Schultag vorbei ist.
Students are more likely to use familiar devices:To encourage students to do their work, let them use the tools and devices they know. They can customize their iPads by downloading the apps they find most useful. Being comfortable with technology for learning and their device comes from hours of practice – in their own time. This is precious time that most teachers cannot afford to give up in the classroom.
Warum hat sich JCG für die Empfehlung von iPads entschieden?
Als wir diese Reise begannen, war das erste, was wir getan war herauszufinden, was wir von einem Gerät brauchen, und nicht, welches Gerät wir brauchen. Die 3 wichtigsten Anforderungen waren: Berührung Bildschirm Gerät, Tastatur und irgendeine Form von digitalen Eingabestift.
Mit diesen Kriterien haben wir uns auf die Suche nach Geräten gemacht. Es gibt ein paar, die unseren unsere Kriterien erfüllen, aber, Das iPad hat sich aufgrund des Preises, der Zuverlässigkeit und der Benutzerfreundlichkeit durchgesetzt.
Ein weiterer Vorteil der Verwendung von iPads ist die Leichtigkeit-zu-Verwendung Einschränkung Einstellungen, die es Eltern ermöglichen, die Geräte zusätzlich zu verwalten.
From September 2024 all Year 7 student iPads will be enrolled on the Jamf platform. This platform allows parents to manage which apps their child can access and for how long.
Was passiert, wenn mein Kind sein Gerät vergisst oder es kaputt ist?
Die IT-Abteilung verfügt über eine begrenzte Anzahl von Geräten, die ausgeliehen werden können, wenn Ihr Kind sein Gerät vergessen hat oder es nicht mit in die Schule bringen kann, z. B. wenn es repariert wird.
Will it involve a lot of screen time? Will they be using them for all core subject lessons? Will they still be writing on paper?
Unter JCG werden wir einen gemischten Ansatz verfolgen an Verwendung von Geräts um das Lernen zu verbessern. Durch die Verwendung a digitalen Gerätes, wir können die Vorteile von KI-Programmen nutzen die es Studenten, Teile ihrer Lernreise individuell zu gestalten und Inhalte in ihrem eigenen Tempo in ihrem eigenen Tempo. Wir können die Technologie auch für Live-Quizze in der Klasse und eine umfassende Zusammenarbeit in der Klasse nutzen. Diese Geräte bieten den Schülern auch die Möglichkeit, ihr Lernen aufzuzeichnen für spätere Studien, z. B. ein wissenschaftliches Experiment auf Video aufzeichnen, um es später noch einmal anzusehen oder Fotos von ihren Kunstwerke. Die Website bietet Schülers mit eine Ort wo sie alles alles speichern können.
Sie sind kein Ersatz für die Art und Weise, wie wir derzeit lernen, sondern ein Hilfsmittel, um die Art und Weise, wie wir lernen, zu verbessern.
Currently, the majority of assessments and end of topics are completed on paper.
Welche künstliche Intelligenz wird verwendet? Werden damit Daten über mein Kind gesammelt? Werden sie gespeichert und wie werden sie verwendet?
Die KI-Plattform, die wir verwenden, heißt Century Tech. Bevor die Hochschule eine Software einsetzt, führt sie a Risikobewertung und eine Bewertung des Datenschutzes, die ermöglichens die es uns ermöglichen zu bestätigen, welche Daten verwendet, gesammelt und gespeichert werden und wo. Wenn Sie weitere Informationen dazu wünschen, wenden Sie sich bitte an unseren Datenschutzbeauftragten, [email protected]
Was passiert, wenn der Akku des Geräts meines Kindes während einer Unterrichtsstunde leer ist?
Die IT-Abteilung verfügt über eine begrenzte Anzahl von tragbaren Akkus, die während des Unterrichts verwendet werden können.
Wie kann ich sicher sein, dass mein Kind online sicher ist?
All devices for learning are enrolled on the College WiFi which is filtered and monitored.
To ensure that students do not access inappropriate content using installed apps, all Year 7 devices will be enrolled on the Jamf platform. This ensures that only apps for learning are used during the school day.
Outside of College iOS devices come with built in web filtering parents can turn on. These restrictions remain in place regardless of their internet connection including 4G. For more information please click here.
The Jamf app for parents allows parents to set restrictions on their child's device. For more information please click here.
Can I stop my child from using specific apps/lock down the device?
From September 2024, all students in Year 7 will have their iPad enrolled on the Jamf management platform.
This management platform allows parents to look down the device by limiting app use and device functionality (eg screen time) remotely using an Android phone, iPhone or other iOS device. Please click here for more information.
For iOS devices not enrolled on Jamf, eg. iPhones, we encourage parents to use Apple's powerful Parental Control settings to block any apps you deemed inappropriate.
Parents of students in other year groups can request that their child's iPad be enrolled on the Jamf platform.
You can also limit the amount of time your daughter can spend on any particular app. For more information on setting this up, please click here.
Wie kann ich die Bildschirmzeit meines Kindes zu Hause steuern?
At College we will be teaching students to use their devices responsibly and with discernment which as parents you can continue at home.
For students in Years 9 and above parents can use Apple's built-in Screen Time feature, which allows you to track your child’s usage and, if needed, limit access to the device completely or just specific apps. For more information click here.
For students in Years 7 and 8, Screen Time can be managed as above and by using the Jamf parent app.
Mein Kind hat bereits ein iPad. Können wir einen digitalen Zeichenstift und eine Tastaturhülle von der Hochschule erwerben?
Ja, je nach Modell. Bitte kontaktieren Sie Frau Le Hegarat ([email protected]) für weitere Informationen.
How will my child's IT skills be brought up to speed, if needed?
In addition to Computer Science lessons, students will have a weekly Digital Literacy lesson during the autumn term. These lessons will be devoted to developing digital skills and knowledge.
Students will also have the opportunity to start a self paced touch typing course.
Mein Kind hat bereits ein iPad, kann es zum Schulverwaltungssystem hinzugefügt werden?
Yes the device would be added to the Jamf platform. Please contact Mrs Le Hegarat ([email protected]) for more information.
Mein Kind hat bereits ein Gerät, bei dem es sich nicht um ein iPad handelt. Kann es dieses Gerät verwenden?
Dies hängt vom jeweiligen Gerät ab. Bitte wenden Sie sich an Frau Le Hegarat, unter [email protected] für Ratschläge und Informationen.
Braucht mein Kind eine Apple-ID?
Alle Studentens erhalten eine Apple ID, die mit dem dereir Anmeldeinformationen der Schule. Bitte klicken Sie hier, um einen Leitfaden für Eltern zu den schulischen Apple IDs.
Diese Apple IDs werden Managed Apple IDs genannt und beinhalten 200 GB iCloud-Speicher.
Um den Schwerpunkt auf Bildung zu legen, sind diese Dienste für verwaltete Apple IDs deaktiviert:
- Einkauf im App Store
- Einkauf im iTunes Store
- Einkauf im Buchladen
- Mit HomeKit verbundene Geräte
- Apple Pay
- Finden Sie mein
- iCloud Mail
- iCloud-Schlüsselbund (allerdings werden Schlüsselbundelemente auf gemeinsam genutzten iPad-Geräten gespeichert und wiederhergestellt)
- iCloud-Familienfreigabe
Da verwaltete Apple IDs keine Einkäufe tätigen können, weisen wir Ihrer verwalteten Apple ID oder den zugewiesenen Geräten Inhalte zu.
Administratoren können die folgenden Dienste für verwaltete Apple IDs aktivieren oder deaktivieren:
- FaceTime
- iMessage
- Gemeinsame Nutzung von Fotos und Pages-, Numbers- und Keynote-Dokumenten innerhalb oder außerhalb Ihres Unternehmens
- Suche nach anderen verwalteten Apple IDs innerhalb Ihrer Organisation
- Die Möglichkeit, eine Kopie der mit Ihrer verwalteten Apple ID verbundenen Daten anzufordern
Wer ist verantwortlich, wenn das Gerät in der Schule beschädigt wird oder verloren geht?
Students are responsible for caring for their device. We provide all students with a locker, a secure storage space for personal items. The College does not take responsibility for damage or loss of personal equipment. If damage to or loss of the device is a concern, we recommend either adding the device to your House contents insurance or taking out the iCare Plan (comprehensive protection plan for Apple devices)
Für weitere Informationen über iCare klicken Sie bitte hier.
What will my child do with their iPad when not required for a lesson?
Wenn sie das Gerät nicht benötigen, sollten sie es in ihrem Vorhängeschloss Schließfach.
Alle Studenten sind zur Verfügung gestellt ein Schließfachfür das sie ein Vorhängeschloss kaufen müssen Vorhängeschloss.
Wenn alle iPads gleich aussehen, wie soll mein Kind dann erkennen, dass es sein eigenes ist?
Bei iPads auf der von der Hochschule verwalteten Geräteplattform zeigt das iPad seinen Gerätenamen auf dem Sperrbildschirmund ist zusätzlich durch einen Passcode geschützt. Wenn es im College verlegt wird Hochschuleverlegt wird, kann das Gerät über Mein Gerät finden App von der IT-Abteilung gefunden werden.