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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy

Author : Russell Abraham & Peter Marett
Date : February 2024
To Be Reviewed : February 2026


Diversity is a fact. Equity is a responsibility. Inclusion is a choice. 

Diversity - Differences among groups of people and individuals based on ethnicity, race, socioeconomic status, gender, exceptionalities, language, religion, sexual orientation, and geographical area. ... Diversity is differences in racial and ethnic, socioeconomic, geographic, and academic/professional backgrounds. 

Equity - being fair and impartial. 

Inclusion - providing equal access to opportunities and resources for people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalised, such as those who have hidden or visible disabilities and members of other minority groups. 

We believe that inclusive communities are successful communities and that students need inclusion and empathy as skills for the future. Diversity is a strengthand all members of our community should feel valued and included. Inclusion should be a way of being; a golden thread through all practice, values and knowledge development. 

Our vision for a student leaving the College covers areas (extracted below) that are integral to diversity, equity and inclusion: 

‘Our students will … already possess a broad understanding of the cultural, historical, geographical and scientific events and ideas which have fashioned their island and their world, and an eagerness to discover more.’ 

Our students will be thoughtful, open-minded … 

Our students will want to have a positive impact on their community and the world.’ 

We can only bring our key value ‘BELONG’ to life by promoting and celebrating diversity, equity and inclusion in the College.


  • To encourage curiosity about our world and our diverse community
  • To develop cultural awareness
  • To facilitate collaboration
  • To empower our community to have the courage to talk about inclusion and be true to themselves
  • To ensure our community has a sense of belonging and has a voice
  • To encourage confidence to say when behaviours do not fit our values
  • To take concerns expressed seriously
  • To be confident to share data relating to diversity
  • To increase and celebrate diversity in our student, staff and governing bodies
  • To improve the wellbeing of underrepresented groups
  • To note positive attainment in different student groups
  • To ensure that the language and imagery in our communications, policies and on our website reflect what you would expect to see in an inclusive, equal and diverse community
  • To ensure our campus is accessible to all
  • To check that our calendar of events is diverse and offers opportunities for all
  • To ensure our trips, co-curricular, sports and food provision are inclusive and cater for diverse interests and needs
  • To ensure our curriculum promotes diversity, equity and inclusion
  • To check our progress in these aims using our annual survey and feedback from our student council


Students should be encouraged to take responsibility for: 

  • Behaving in a way that is respectful and thus promotes diversity, equity and inclusion in our community 
  • Reporting when they have concerns when we are not living up to our values 
  • Exploiting opportunities to learn about and promote diversity, equity and inclusion in our community
  • Participating in events that promote diversity, equity and inclusion 
  • Engaging in open discussions about diversity, equity and inclusion 
  • Providing feedback (via surveys) to the College on its progress with diversity, equity and inclusion 

The Multi-Lingual Learner and DEI (MLL & DEI) Coordinator has responsibility for:

  • Leading, monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion policy and action plan in collaboration with the Assistant Headteacher (organisation)
  • Liaising with outside organisations to promote diversity, equity and inclusion in the College
  • Meeting regularly with the IDEA Prefect and providing support and guidance for student-led initiatives
  • Organising the annual Festival of Cultures Day
  • Ensuring students from different backgrounds (including MLL) are fully included in all aspects of College life and are given equal opportunities
  • Ensuring that sufficient opportunities are provided for students and staff to share ideas and concerns relating to DEI issues, through formal or informal channels
  • Conducting interviews and leading on the appointment of the IDEA Prefect as part of the SSLT process

The IDEA Prefect (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Activism) has responsibility for: 

  • Promoting diversity, equity and Inclusion throughout the College community
  • Contributing to the Student Voice programme 
  • Seeking opportunities to share good practice on diversity, equity and inclusion with the College community
  • Leading assemblies on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
  • Assisting with the organisation of an annual JCG Festival of Cultures
  • Supporting the running of cultural and inclusion-focussed clubs in the College
  • Representing the views of the student body in matters relating to diversity, equity and inclusion

Parents have responsibility for:

  • Encouraging students to behave in a way that fosters diversity, equity and inclusion
  • Modelling an attitude of inclusion and equity to students
  • Providing feedback (via surveys or other means) to the College on its progress with diversity, equity and inclusion 

All staff have a responsibility for:

  • Encouraging students to behave in a way that fosters diversity, equity and inclusion
  • Modelling an attitude of inclusion and equity to students 

Coordinator of Jersey Premium and Bursary has responsibility for: 

  • Ensuring students from diverse economic backgrounds have equal access to both curricular and co-curricular College activities
  • Engaging with the parents/carers of students eligible for funding from Jersey Premium or Bursary so as to understand how best to support their needs and aspirations  
  • Monitoring and supporting students eligible for funding from Jersey Premium or Bursary to ensure that they make equal progress to other students 
  • Ensuring colleagues are supported to ensure students from diverse economic backgrounds have full access to all that is offered by the College 

Heads of Faculty and Heads of Department have a responsibility for:

  • Auditing our curriculum to ensure it promotes and celebrates diversity, equity and inclusion and, if gaps are identified, plan how to improve the situation
  • Exploiting opportunities in the curriculum to foster diversity, equity and inclusion 

Heads of School have responsibility for: 

  • Auditing our tutor programme to ensure it promotes and celebrates diversity, equity and inclusion and, if gaps are identified, plan to improve the situation
  • Exploiting opportunities, for example in the assembly programme, to foster diversity, equity and inclusion
  • Analysing progress of different minority groupings as part of the tracking process and implementing intervention as required. 

Assistant Headteacher (Organisation) has a responsibility for:

  • Leading, monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion policy and action plan in collaboration with the MLL & DEI Coordinator
  • Ensuring (in liaison with the Vice Principal) we include questions about diversity, equity and inclusion in our annual surveys
  • Auditing our trip, event and co-curricular offering to ensure it is diverse and inclusive
  • Auditing our events and assemblies to ensure we have a diverse and inclusive range of visitors and topics and that all have an equal opportunity to participate
  • Liaising with the Student Council to ensure students have an opportunity to contribute their views on how we promote diversity, equity and inclusion in College
  • Encouraging events that offer opportunities to foster inclusion and diversity
  • Auditing our communications and marketing to ensure that the language and imagery reflect what you would expect to see in an inclusive, equal and diverse community

Assistant Headteacher (Staffing) has responsibility for: 

Ensuring appropriate continued professional development is available to staff to foster diversity, equity and inclusion•    Ensuring our recruitment process is fair, equitable and accessible•    Ensuring that we are inclusive and understanding concerning the individual needs of colleagues, for example where staff are experiencing the menopause 

The Bursar has responsibility for: 

Investigating any gaps in the data we collect, recommend what we should collect and agree. Consult regarding GDPR requirements•    Obtaining statistics on Jersey population breakdown by nationality and socio-economic situation to see how JCG compares •    Ensuring our campus is inclusive; accessible to all and signage is welcoming to all•    Ensuring that the Dome caters for the different needs of our diverse community 

Principal has responsibility for:

Overseeing the application of this policy.

Links to other policies: 

Appendix 1 – Disability Guidelines 


JCG’s vision states that we aim to nurture students who will enjoy life to the full, value their friendships and achieve balance in their lives. Furthermore, we aim that students leave us with an excellent record of achievement. A student with a disability at JCG should have equal access to achieving this vision. JCG’s vision for a member of staff states that our staff should enjoy working in the exciting, vibrant JCG community, where colleagues and students possess a strong sense of belonging and we seek to ensure that a person with disability should have equal access to working in our community. Furthermore, we endeavour to not discriminate in favour of able-bodied people (ableism). 


A person has a disability if they have physical or mental impairment that has substantial long term adverse effects on their ability to carry out every day activities. (Equality Act 2010 UK).

This person may have ‘limitations going beyond the normal differences in ability which may exist among people.’

‘Substantial’ means ‘more than minor or trivial.’ Substantial adverse effects can be determined by looking at the effects on a person with the impairment, comparing those to a person without the impairment, to judge the difference between the two is more than minor or trivial.

‘Long term’ means the impairment has existed for at least 12 months, or is likely to do so.Study and education are included in ‘everyday activities.’

Factors that might reasonably be expected to have a substantial adverse effect include:

  • Persistent and significant difficulty in reading and understanding written material where this is in the person’s native language, for example because of a mental impairment, a learning difficulty or a sensory or multi-sensory impairment
  • Persistent distractibility or difficulty concentrating
  • Difficulty understanding or following simple verbal instructions
  • Physical impairment – for example, difficulty operating a computer because of physical restrictions in using a keyboard
  • Refer to: JCQ (Joint Council for Qualifications) ‘Adjustments for candidates with disabilities and learning difficulties’ (most recent edition)


  • To promote equal opportunities for all people with disabilities. 
  • To eliminate discrimination and harassment related to disability. 
  • To adhere to the States of Jersey Equality and Diversity Policy (April 2015). 
  • To promote an ethos of positive attitudes towards people with a disability, including ‘invisible disabilities’ that we cannot see. 
  • To encourage full participation, wherever possible, for students and adults with disabilities in the life of the College.
  • To take steps to meet the needs of people with disabilities. 
  • To make reasonable adjustments to ensure that a student or member of staff with disabilities is not placed at a disadvantage. 
  • To anticipate the needs of a student or member of staff with disabilities. 
  • To scrutinise the methods of assessment used in the College and their impact on students with a disability. 
  • To provide advice and guidance to staff and students regarding the implementation of this policy.
  • To endeavour to remove physical barriers so the College is accessible to people with disabilities. 


Students should be encouraged to take responsibility for: 

  • Informing a teacher should they have a disability to declare 
  • Working with College staff and students to help meet the needs of people with a disability 
  • Liaising with College staff to seek ways to accommodate their needs (should they have a disability) 
  • Involving themselves with the implementation and review of the disability policy 
  • Educating their peers and introducing school-led education on both visible and invisible disabilities

Parents have responsibility for:

  • Informing the College if their daughter has a disability or they believe this might be the case and liaising with the College about how the student’s needs can be met 
  • Supporting the College in promoting an inclusive and supportive attitude towards all people with a disability 
  • Attending meetings to discuss the needs of their daughter should she have a disability 
  • Informing the College should they have a disability which affects their access, as a parent, to College life 

All staff have responsibility for: 

  • Raising awareness of disability amongst all staff, students and visitors in the College 
  • Encouraging any adults or students with a disability to seek appropriate assistance to be able to participate fully in the life of the College 
  • Encouraging all to respond positively to the diversity and richness that people with disability can bring to the College community 
  • Seeking the advice of the ENCO should they have any concerns about a student with a disability in the College 
  • Respecting confidentiality should a student or adult disclose information about their disability, only communicating information without an individual’s permission should it be considered essential to prevent that person being at risk (refer to Child Protection Policy)

Teachers have responsibility for: 

  • Making reasonable adjustments in the form of teaching strategies, alternative assessments and support assistance for students with disabilities in all aspects of the curriculum 
  • Ensuring they seek appropriate materials, equipment and facilities to meet the requirements of a student with a disability 

Heads of Department have responsibility for: 

  • Ensuring class teachers have the appropriate materials, equipment and facilities to meet the requirements of a student with a disability 

Heads of School have responsibility for:

  •  Liaising with feeder schools to ascertain if any students with disabilities are coming to the College 
  • Liaising with the ENCO to ensure that the needs of a student with a disability are being met both academically and socially within the College

Facilities Manager has responsibility for: 

  • Ensuring that the College campus is maintained and that it remains accessible to people with disabilities 
  • Working with colleagues to overcome any physical obstacles that might prevent a person with a disability accessing aspects of College life. 

Examinations Officer has responsibility for: 

  • Liaising with the ENCO to ensure that applications for reasonable adjustments are made to examinations boards in a timely manner 
  • Making reasonable adjustments to the conduct of assessments for a disabled candidate 

ENCO has responsibility for: 

  • Providing advice and guidance to colleagues on how to assist any student with a disability to access all aspects of life in the College, including the curriculum and assessment. 
  • Holding a register of students with disability so that their needs can be met and their academic and social progress can be closely monitored 
  • Gathering evidence on the needs of a student with a disability and giving evidence to show their normal way of working 
  • Seeking permission should it be decided to disclose information about a person’s disability (for example to the examination board)
  • Liaising with external agencies to seek specialist advice to best support any students with a disability
  • Completing relevant documentation for a student with a disability who needs access arrangements in an examination 
  • Liaising with the Examinations Officer regarding the needs of a student with a disability in assessments to ensure applications to examination boards are made for reasonable adjustments
  • Liaising with families to support and ensure provision to cater for the needs of a student with disabilities 
  • Providing regular training to teaching and support staff on how to help each child to reach their maximum potential and gain as full access as possible to the curriculum and facilities in the College

Assistant Headteacher (Staffing) has responsibility for: 

  • Ensuring that our recruitment process does not discriminate against adults with a disability and thus making appointments based on qualifications, experience and skills of the applicant, regardless of disability 
  • Ensuring that any candidates with disabilities will have their additional needs met wherever possible and practical when called for interview 
  • Organising adjustments in the working environment to meet the needs of a member of staff with a disability 
  • Maintaining records of any members of staff with a disability to ensure that their needs are met

Principal has responsibility for:

  • Overseeing the application of the disability guidelines
  • Ensuring students are considered for a place at the College, regardless of disability, if they fulfil the criteria outlined in the Admissions Policy.
  • Ensure staff are considered for recruitment to the College, regardless of disability.

Appendix 2 – DEI - Action Plan Summary (as at February 2024)



To gain understanding of our current situation

Conduct survey of students, staff and parents to gain insight into mutual understanding about how diverse our community is and our understanding of inclusion and the work that needs to be done 

Audit trips to check their diversity and inclusivity 

Audit events and speakers to check diversity of offering

Audit charities we help 

Audit curriculum to ensure we know what is already happening in terms of diversity and inclusion – should be done every 5 years once per Yr7-11 cycle.

Monitor our communications and marketing to ensure we are inclusive and diverse in our approach

Obtain annual report on our admissions profile to measure the extent to which our intakes reflect Jersey’s population breakdown by ethnicity, language profile and socio-economic situation.

To encourage input of Student Voice regarding inclusion and diversity

Monitor membership of student council to promote diversity and ensure the council is representative of student body as a whole   

Encourage student membership of the DEI working party

Provide opportunities for students with interests in DEI issues to meet regularly. This can include IWA, culture club, Lean In etc.

To ensure we have an inclusive and diverse staff understanding of inclusion

Monitor staff backgrounds 

Check recruitment process to ensure our applicants reflect the diversity of the community we serve  

Check working practices and expectations enable diversity and inclusion

To investigate how we change our student recruitment process to include any underrepresented groups

Consider signage in different language to offer warmer welcome

To ensure an understanding of diversity and inclusion on our governing body

Conduct appropriate training

Audit diversity of the governing body

Add inclusion to governors’ agenda

Consider having an invited governor with DEI focus

To check how students from different backgrounds perform in College and take appropriate action

Identify points in our processes when we should make these checks (e.g. tracking moments - looking also at attendance, behaviour and safeguarding)

Consider ISN/JP/Bursary students/other groups

Offer enhanced opportunities where needed (e.g. to improve cultural capital for some students)