Tee & Touren

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Seiten für Schüler der Unterstufe

The Lower School at JCG comprises Years 7 and 8; it also oversees the transition process from KS2 to the College and Year 5 Experience Days. Two Transition Days are held in July when our new students experience the academic and extra-curricular life of the College and have an opportunity to meet their Form Tutor and make new friends. A key part of these days is meeting the Senior students in their House. 

The Form Tutor remains a key contact and link between home and school and usually follows the students throughout their time at college, forging strong relationships. The tutor, supported by the Head of school, their assistant and the school counsellors all work collaboratively with the students and their parents to monitor academic progress and look after the well-being of the students. A regular mentoring programme allows tutors to review their tutees’ academic success, any pastoral issues and their involvement in the wider life of the College. We encourage students to reflect on their progress and seek continuous improvement. 

All Lower School students are allocated a Sixth Form “buddy” from their House, with whom they share numerous experiences such as the annual “Buddy Miles” charity walk and “Buddy baking”. This facilitates an effective vertical integration of students within College and instils a sense of belonging. 

After an induction process in September involving days out of College allowing the new students to bond, all students in KS3 follow a broad and balanced curriculum covering core academic and creative subjects and physical education. Students have a weekly PSHE lesson throughout their time in Lower School which this year will involve 6 joint lessons with VCJ. 

Outside the classroom there are numerous opportunities for the students to represent their House and the College. The House system is incredibly strong and provides an opportunity for friendly competition, creative activities and fundraising challenges. Sporting opportunities exist within the Houses system and also at College level, where the teams compete against other Island and touring teams. There are also very active Orchestras and Drama clubs within the Lower School and students actively engage in the wider cultural life of the College.